Wednesday, December 24, 2014

November 2014 Favourites!

"Becca why are you posting your favourites for November at the end of December?" Because I forgot to post it earlier. I know. I'm dumb. But here it is! I finally got around to it so here are my (obscenely late) favourites from last month!

Reminder that not all of these were products released or purchased in November, just things that I particularly enjoyed throughout the month!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

[Review] Etude House's Moistfull Collagen Cream!

 As one of Etude House's most well known and popular products, it only makes sense that after getting it in the Etude Memebox  I should at least post a short review on Etude's Moistfull Collagen Cream!

(and by short I mean very, very short...)