Wednesday, October 8, 2014

[Review] Etude House's Princess Fantasy VIP Gift!

Sorry about how inactive I've been lately; I started college last month and it's really been keeping me busy... Nevertheless I recently bought Etude House's Princess Fantasy palette!

And man was I ever pumped for this palette. Words can't even describe how much I wanted it when I first heard about it; I would've sold my soul to Etude after watching the announcement video on Youtube, No exaggeration. 

The basic idea behind it is that it's a gift for Etude's VIP members and they give away 2000 of them a day in stores. Great for those that actually live somewhere with a branch of Etude House within reachable distance, but as you imagine, the announcement was met with weary sighs from international fans yet again thinking that this was another perk that they wouldn't be getting, myself

Yet somehow the clouds parted and the heavens smiled down upon me and against all the odds I managed to get my hands on on. To put it realistically; kpoptown had a very limited few available for about a day and I just happened to be lucky enough to get one before they sold out. Either way you want to look at it, I got one.

And Lord am I happy about it. I've been using it for about a week and over that time I've been able to make use of most of the shades; including 14 eyeshadows and one blush.

*Swatched onto Absolute NY's Eyeshadow Primer
**Any colours that are difficult to see are only so because
they're similar to my skin tone. 
There's a pretty wide variety of colours in this palette and they range in overall quality from decent to Lord above bless this eyeshadow (really good). I haven't been able to test out all of them in practical daily situations but after swatching them all I can tell that they're all pretty pigmented, some more than others (the blue-green shade and orange shade are really vivid, whilst the beige shades seem slightly more muted). They also have varying degrees of shimmer to them, none being matte;
even the blush has shimmer in it.

As for the packaging, I don't think I need to say much. I think it's a ridiculously pretty palette; the casing is designed to look like either a story book or a set of gates, from what I can tell. It's predominantly matte with the titles and descriptions (as well as a cute little story on the inside cover that they wrote about princesses) in embossed gold font. Overall the design is almost flawless - I say almost because the way the word "Welcome" is split across the central opening on the front kind of bugs me, but then again I guess I'm just a perfectionist.

The palette also comes with two small applicators and to be honest I wouldn't be surprised if these had just been included out of principle since they're not great quality. I would've preferred maybe a full size brush like they've had as a part of their palettes in the past, but for something that's intended
to be a free gift, you can't really complain.

All in all I was really impressed with this palette; especially considering this is something that they gave away for free. Even still the price I payed for it of around £15 incl. shipping was great value too.

Purchased from for approx £15 however no longer available.

*Limited amounts available on ebay if you're willing to pay way over the odds. 
**Stock seems to come and go on other sites so if you were to keep checking, I'm sure you'd find it eventually. 

1 comment:

  1. Ohh I love how the Palette is shaped like bunch of balloons! ^ ^
